
  1. The difference between sandblasting and shot peening

    The terms sandblasting and shot peening in Italy are sometimes used interchangeably but in fact they describe two very distinct procedures for surface treatment and finishing in different industrial fields.

    What is sandblasting?

    Sandblasting is the procedure that allows you to remove and eliminate, with a stream of abrasive and air launched at high speed and at very high pressure, impurities and corrosive slags: paints, rust, oxides, sand and calamine. In this way the surface can be prepared in order to create the best adhesion between the surface and the coating that will be applied or reapplied on the it.

    For the sandblasting process, various types of abrasive material are used depending on the result to be obtained in terms of cleanliness and roughness of the surface. Mineral abrasives

  2. TCO, Winoa's pillar of differentiation

    The TCO (Total Cost of Operation), or the "Total Cost of Operation" of sandblasting, is one of the pillars of Winoa's differentiation.

    Most companies think they can reduce the cost of blasting operations by buying cheaper abrasives. The problem is that, in reality, abrasives represent only 20% of the total cost of shot-blasting operations: therefore even a reduction in the purchase cost of the shot has little impact on the overall cost of the process.

    Is there a more effective solution? Yes, considering all the elements involved: manpower, machines, maintenance, spare parts, wear, energy and waste, as well as the shot itself.

    sandblasting costs

    This is what W Abrasives'

  3. The blasting process and the various types of abrasives

    The sandblasting process is a mechanical technique for the controlled cleaning of a surface, usually metallic. It is made by erosion thanks to the abrasion generated by propelling metal shots or grit with compressed air lances.




    Another method uses wheel blasting machines. The sandblasting process, in addition to allowing the surface of a metal product to be cleaned from residues and corrosive scales, can also be used to obtain a particular surface roughness for subsequent coating or painting processes. In the case of shot-peening, on the other hand, it’s used to add strength and reduce the stress profile of special components.

